Wednesday, October 04, 2006

R.W. Apple, R.I.P.

I am saddened by the passing of the New York Times writer R.W. Apple. I know Apple made differences in journalism and American political life but I don't know him for this. I know him for his superb food columns he wrote over the last several years for the Times. A couple of years ago he made a giant trip around Asia, eating and writing and eating some more. He even went to places like Laos, certainly out of the way for a food snob, which he was not. Apple represented the very best of food writing--a total love for eating without being snobbish about it. The man simply loved food and loved writing about it. He was such a good writer that by the end of his Asian columns I could tell who was writing within the first two sentences. Here's his last column. Perhaps not his best but it does convey the love of world food he had. Hell, he even loved Swedish food and that is not for the faint of heart.

R.W. Apple, let's hope that you're eating at the big world buffet in the sky.