Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bush's Second Term--A Scorecard

Let's see. What has gone right for Bush since he won in November and what has gone wrong for him?

John Roberts

Social Security privatization (don't hear too much about that one these days. Wonder why?)
Katrina Response and Michael Brown
Oil Prices
Conservatives angry over nomination of Harriet Miers
Indictment of Tom DeLay
Valerie Plame case
Declining approval ratings
Bill Frist stock improprieties

What I am forgetting here? Regardless of whether I have forgotten anything major, it is clear that the second term has been little short of a disaster for W. The sad part? I still think that despite all of these clear indications that Bush is a terrible president and a horrible leader, he would win reelection over most any major Democratic candidate. I'm not sure if this says more about the zombie-like loyalty of the Republican base or the lackluster nature of Democratic candidates. Anyway, let's keep hoping for more negatives. Because this just keeps getting richer and richer.