Tuesday, November 13, 2007

TIDOS Yankee on Climate Change

Treason in Defense of Slavery Yankee has a classic post denying climate change.

His evidence that climate change is not happening? The founder of the Weather Channel says so!
There is a fundamental difference between progressives and right-wing lunatics. Progressives understand what an expert is. And then they defer to said expert. So if I want to know about climate change, I am going to read, oh I don't know, perhaps an actual climatologist. Or I am going to look at the data that shows that not a single paper denying climate change has been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

And if I'm a right-winger, I am just going to find some guy who believes what I do, especially if it is some kind of corporate titan, professional athlete, or Republican functionary, and then publicize it as equal to actual experts.

Read the comments too. They're not long and worth it. One guys claims expertise on the issue because his Dad was a meteorologist. Wow. By that logic, I am going to believe everything Julian Lennon has to say about music, everything Joe Buck has to say about baseball, and everything George W. Bush has to say about politics.