Friday, May 02, 2008

The Tax Boogey Man!

Those lousy liberals are coming after your… e-mail? This is from John McCain’s official campaign website:

John McCain Will Ban New Cell Phone Taxes. John McCain understands that the same people that would tax e-mail will tax every text message – and even 911 calls. John McCain will prohibit new cellular telephone taxes.

I heard that if you flash your bright lights in your car at night someone will shoot you, because it’s a gang code. Oh, and I also heard that Bill Gates is giving away $10,000 for every time you forward this e-mail… And, wait, wait, I heard that car thieves are using your VIN# to make duplicate keys and that Obama is a Mormon or he's from Muskegon or something….

If you believe this bullshit from McCain, please contact me. I have $100 million in a Nigerian bank account I would like to share with you.