Friday, May 15, 2009

Brazilian Government Launches Portal for Dictatorship-Era Documents

Well, this is excellent news:

Brazil has shone a light into one of the most troubled periods of its recent past, as the government published documents dating from the country's 20 years of dictatorship.
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva launched a website on Wednesday containing information dating from 1964 to 1985, when the country was under the sway of the military.
The portal, which is part of the national archives, includes documents held by state governments and universities.
Dilma Rousseff, the head of Lula's cabinet and the person tipped to succeed him, said the initiative would help end "the culture of state secrets."

While it's not the military archives, which remain secret (and which some top-brass in the military continue to insist do not exist and never existed), this will really allow even better and broader understanding of some of the policies and actions of Brazil's military dictatorship, especially as it combines in one digital collection documents which had previously been spread all over the country.

Plus, it offers yet another excuse for me to prolong my dissertation even further.