Friday, February 04, 2011

The Confederate Flag: Too Sacred To Desecrate

Glad Gainesville State College feels the Confederate flag is too sacred to desecrate in art:

Gainesville State College’s president ordered a painting depicting the confederate flag be removed from a “Faculty Biennial” Art Exhibit after they received letters of protest. The flag included superimposed images of a black man with a noose around his neck and a hooded Ku Klux Clansman [sic].

The protest came from a website called “Southern Heritage Alerts” and encouraged people to write to college President Martha Nesbitt demanding the painting be taken down. Nesbitt immediately ordered the painting be removed on June 25, only two weeks after it went on display.

“In school (in Venezuela) we learned about the United States’ Civil War and slavery. I learned to have a negative view of the flag — I basically associated the image of the flag with slavery, racism and the KKK,” the artist Stanley Bermudez  explained to the Gainesville Times.
“This is very much what I feel and think about when I see that flag. It’s just my personal feelings about it. It’s an accumulation of the things I’ve seen, studied and read over the years,” Bermudez continued. He went on to say he’s been frightened by the confederate flags on KKK-run websites and in public meetings near his home.

A bunch of very brave souls should go to the campus of Gainesville State College and set a Confederate flag on fire. I'll put a torch to it if you all protect me from the racist mob that would develop.

Also, I wonder if Confederate flags are covered in the same flame-resistant material used to coat American flags against the non-existent threat of hippies and Iranian revolutionaries burning it.