Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Rare Film That's Actually Almost Worth Ten Bucks

I saw Knocked Up the other night, the first time in a few years that I'd been to a packed movie. I know this is obvious, but funny movies are just way, way funnier when you're howling along with a couple hundred other people. Given that I pretty rarely see "it" movies in a timely fashion (I'll put it his way: I haven't gotten around to "The Piano" yet), it's nice to be able to read the various online discussions in real time. Whether or not you've seen the film, however, conservative film-crit silliness is always a treat. Here's K-Lo claiming Knocked Up for the wingers:

It’s a vulgar comedy so this pro-life, pro-marriage, essentially conservative message is reaching people a piece in First Things never would. This is what conservatives in Hollywood should be doing, making funny movies that no one would ever ghettoize as conservative – really engage the culture.

Err, yeah...As others have pointed out, there's nothing inherently conservative about choosing to have a baby. Now, if Alison had no choice in the matter, or rather, if her only choice were between having the child or potentially bleeding to death in an alley after a botched black market abortion, that would be conservative.

Quick review: Runs a bit long, the male lead could have been better (though there are moments when he's perfect), Leslie Mann and Paul Rudd are brilliant, and Darryl from The Office has one of those scenes you could write a whole other movie around. (Having worked as a nightclub doorman myself, I know I've got the script in here somewhere...)