Why Bush won New Mexico
A couple of thoughts on why Bush won New Mexico.
1. Gay marriage. That was really bad among Hispanics who usually can be counted on to vote heavily Democratic. Many Hispanics are uncomfortable enough with the Democratic position on abortion. Combined with gay marriage it turned enough to Bush for him to win.
2. Bill Richardson. Richardson had 1 damn job this year and that was to make sure that Kerry won the state. But he was very quiet on the election until late October. There was 1 commercial with Richardson when there should have been several. And there is talk that in Richardson's home power base of the Hispanic villages of northern New Mexico there is some discontent because he is focused on national and international issues over local issues because of his ambitions. Could part of Richardson have wanted Kerry to lose to set him up in 2008 to be a strong candidate? I hate to argue that, but for a politician with an ego his size, it's not impossible.
UPDATE (11/5/04): Richardson is taking major heat down here for dropping the ball on Kerry. He was very defensive yesterday in a press conference when confronted with these questions. This could be seriously damaging for him.