"Pig-Biting Mad"
The best reason to wait in lines at the grocery store, the Weekly World News, is going out of print on August 27. I always enjoyed seeing what exploding or burning thing Satan was appearing in (like Waco or 9/11), or how the Challenger had actually been found on the bottom of the Atlantic in tact, or how Hillary Clinton and P'lod were together. My favorite was probably their series shortly after the Iraq War began (this was just one example of the theme). When waiting for the 87-year old in front of me to count the exact change, find out he or she was 3 cents short, and proceed to write a check, the Weekly World News would keep me sane and happy. Now, it will just be the regular dreck of Britney and her ilk on the covers of the Enquirer, Star, and others, which were always as depressing as the WWN was great. I'm not pig-biting mad - it's just a sad day, as one of the hidden corners of hilarity is silencing itself at last.