Wednesday, September 24, 2008

There's Hate. And Then There's John LaBruzzo.

Satyam has an awesome post on this and I am openly stealing from it.

Louisiana Republican lawmaker John LaBruzzo, who represents the same district that David Duke once did, supports funding studies to pay poor women $1000 to have their fallopian tubes tied.

He said he is gathering statistics now. … “What I’m really studying is any and all possibilities that we can reduce the number of people that are going from generational welfare to generational welfare,” he said.

He said his program would be voluntary. It could involve tubal ligation, encouraging other forms of birth control or, to avoid charges of gender discrimination, vasectomies for men. It also could include tax incentives for college-educated, higher-income people to have more children, he said

Wow. I mean, WOW! And you know damn well that in Louisiana, these "poor people" mean "black people." And he's just willing to admit it:

The black community will say this is some sort of race-based genocide. And there will be tremendous push back from the ACLU. They'll try to say these people are incapable of making such a decision when their life is in turmoil. That if you're dangling money in front of them, of course they'll make a decision that will affect them negatively. "My argument would be if they’re incapable of making a decision whether to cease reproduction are they capable of raising multiple children to be good citizens? And if they're incapable, maybe Social Services should take their children."

LaBruzzo would have been an awesome politician in 1911. He could have railed against race suicide, arguing that it was Anglo-Saxon women's duty to their country and race to have 14 children. He would have garnered support for forced sterilization of blacks, Italians, Jews, and other undesirables.

But whether it is 1911 or 2008, John LaBruzzo is a racist and a disgusting human being. I'd like to say he will resign, but this is the state of David Duke, Ethan Edwards, and David Vitter. I think you'd have to be caught sodomizing an alligator to get thrown out of office. And maybe not then.