Monday, June 19, 2006

A Message to Catholics and Episcopalians--You Are Christians!!!

A friend of mine was just talking to me about this conversation she was having where some guy claimed that he wasn't Christian, he was Episcopalian.

I have had this conversation before at least twice with Catholics. I can't even tell you how much contempt I had for these people I was arguing with.

I think there's a pretty simple equation here. If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is the Savior (or some such thing)= You are a Christian.

Now I'm sure there are some anti-Catholic elements out there who would love to say that Catholics aren't Christians.

Seriously, it was a long time ago when I realized that well over half of Christians weren't very smart, but this is ridiculous.

If you are going to believe in crazy things like some dude walking on water and resurrections, shouldn't you at least have to take some courses so that you know a little bit about what you actually believe?