Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Catron County Strikes Again

I´ve talked before about the insane anti-wolf mania in Catron County, New Mexico. Catron County, long a bastion of anti-federal government sentiment and the worst kind of western hypocrisy of complaining about the government with your mouth while clinging to a government subsidy check in your hands, continues to attack the idea of Mexican wolves.

This time, they are saying they will remove a gray wolf if the government doesn´t do it for them. Although this is quite illegal, most of the story is standard anti-wolf hooha. However, toward the end of the article, we see discussion of a 13 year old girl who has supposedly been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder from dealing with wolves in some unspecified way. They also claim that she can recover but not if there is a chance to see wolves again in Catron County!!! This is almost certainly garbage. In all of recorded history in North America, at least up to the last report I saw about 2 years ago, there has never been a known case of a wolf attacking a human being. Yet, Catron County "claims the right to remove wolves that are accustomed to humans or have a high probability of harming children or defenseless people, physically or psychologically."

All of this is a cynical attempt by out of touch ranchers to keep wolves out by claiming they are a threat to humans. With their statements that wolves will attack humans completely lacking evidence, they are now using the psychological approach. Which can of course mean anything. A person sees a wolf track, or something that maybe might could be a wolf track--in the eyes of locals that might as well be psychological damage.
