Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Libby Sentenced...Cheney Sad

Scooter Libby has now officially been sentenced: thirty months in jail and a $250,000 fine. How much of this will he serve? Essentially none of it, I would presume, before Bush pardons him. This is completely expected of our administration, who are clearly hard-pressed to see the harm in what he did. Cheney has come out to express his deep "sadness" in the sentencing of this "man of the highest intellect, judgement, and personal integrity." My question is, when Cheney is sad, does he cry dust, vinegar, or the souls of those he's destroyed around him? He certainly does not cry human tears.

In a relatively interesting piece on the subject, Joseph H. Cooper, who teaches inmates at the Webster Correctional Facility in Cheshire, CT asked his students to review the facts and write their opinions on the subject of Libby's sentence. Of the answers, the most interesting is one who wrote "The gang called the Administration is gonna take care of its own, and who wouldn't ... Finally, when all the smoke is cleared, it will go down in history as -- Scooter took one for the team. They'll take care of him. It's only right."

The likening of our administration to a street gang is just about as apt as anything I can imagine.