Friday, June 01, 2007

"If you're from Cleveland...."

As I've said before, we Cleveland sports fans don't really understand this "title" thing. It's something that seems like paradise, but since no Cleveland sports team has won a title in anything since the Browns won it in 1964 (pre-Super Bowl), the sheer ecstacy of winning a title is something I always wonder about when other teams win. I'll watch the celebration, the fans, and think, "I wonder what that must feel like". Not only do Cleveland teams not win titles; they periodically lose them spectacularly (Jose Mesa's masterful choke job in 1997; "The Shot" from Jordan; and, (enjoy, Lyrad) "The Drive" and "The Fumble").

Yet last night, for once, everything went RIGHT. A Cleveland team wasn't the victim of one of those legendary nights; it was the legend (in every good sense of the word). Will the Cavs win the title? Probably not. They may lose the conference finals (I would normally say, "of course they'll lose the conference finals," because I'm a Cleveland fan and I know how things work, but now, it seems, things are genuinely different). But that doesn't matter today - what matters is that, for once, everything went historically right, and people will talk about this game for decades to come.

Which is why the following quotation about Lebron James's unbelievable night last night makes total sense, explaining perfectly how bizarre it is to be a Cleveland sports fan and actually have
something go historically, LEGENDARILY, RIGHT for your team.

"If you're from Cleveland, you know what that meant and how it felt and what it was. Actually, if you're from Cleveland, you probably don't know what that meant or what it was."