Thursday, September 07, 2006

Shorter New York Times: 9/11 is Bill Clinton's Fault

I don't really have much to add to the debate about "The Path to 9/11." Lots of progressive bloggers are saying everything there is to say.

I am disgusted by Alessandra Stanley's review of the movie though. I'm not judging this thing aesthetically. But she basically claims that while Bush has a little fault for 9/11, it really is Bill Clinton's fault. This is of course absurd. I'm not sure if it is anyone's fault exactly--the desire to pin blame is natural but I don't think any president would have really acted on the given information in the way it needed to happen.

What's infuriating about this whole thing, both the debate and this review, is the desire to pin that blame on Clinton and thus influence voters into thinking that Democrats allowed 9/11 to happen, a patently absurd theory. Stanley either supports this idea or she just doesn't get that the fact that Republicans are gleeful about this movie means something. Given that it's the Times, I'm not sure which it is. Maybe both.