Monday, March 05, 2007

Absurd Texts of American History (VI)

Today's absurd text comes from an unnamed Georgia state legislator who sponsored a bill in 1925 forbidding any public library or country school to purchase or accept any book except the Bible, the hymnal, and the almanac.

Said the legislator:

"Those three are enough for anyone. Read the Bible. It teaches you how to act. Read the hymnbook. It contains the finest poetry ever written. Read the almanac. It shows you how to figure out what the weather will be. There isn't another book necessary for anyone to read, and therefore I am opposed to all libraries."

The bill failed in the Georgia House of Representatives by the uninspiring count of 57-63.

God Bless Georgia and God Bless America!

PS--I hate it when books don't have footnotes. It's why I don't know who sponsored this bill.