Monday, March 05, 2007

A Plus for Richardson

I was listening to local radio the other day and heard a news report that Bill Richardson promised to establish a cabinet level position devoted to Indian Affairs if elected president.

I am not supporting Richardson at this time. I am leaning toward Obama, particularly after Edwards' blogger debacle and his less than stellar response to it. But this is a good point for Richardson. Currently, Indian issues are dealt with through the Bureau of Indian Affairs within the Department of Indian Affairs. The BIA has been a disaster since day one, having been notoriously rife with corruption and the general fucking over of Native Americans. Although things have been less bad over the last couple of decades (80 years ago, whites would have just stolen the casinos once Indians showed it was a good idea), this is still a good idea. Establishing a cabinet position would create public accountability on Native American issues. Richardson also said he would appoint a Native American to the position.

If Richardson keeps coming up with good ideas like this, I might have to reconsider my tepid feelings about his candidacy.