Friday, November 30, 2007

Fucking Scandihoovians

Gen. JC Christian has a modest proposal to kick all the Swedes out of the country:

The God damned lutefisk-eating bastards breed like rabbits. They've overrun the whole upper Midwest and turned it Lutheran. If we'd shipped them the moment they arrived, Minnesota would be as Baptist as an illicit hand job behind the Piggly Wiggly. Think about it. No more hot dishes. No more "you betchas." No more Garrison Keillor. If you want to sell that ethnic cleansing plan of yours, you got to bring up the Swedes.

Yep, that's about the truth. I only have a marginal amount of Swede in me, but you might as well put my ass on that boat too. Lyrad too. Soon, the blog will only belong to Trend, at least until we kick the goddamn krauts out.