Tuesday, November 20, 2007

PTSD: It's Like LSD For Wingnuts

Grim at Blackfire has this lunatic post, which claims to be sympathetic to soldiers with PTSD, but reads like he really wishes he could have such an experience:

"What you need to know, first and last, is that so-called PTSD is not an illness. It is a normal condition for people who have been through what you have been through. The instinct to kill and war is native to humanity. It is very deeply rooted in me, as it is in you. We have rules and customs to restrain it, so that sometimes we may have peace. What you are experiencing is not an illness, but the awareness of what human nature is like deep down. It is the awareness of what life is like without the walls that protect civilization."

I swear that if you replaced a few choice words, you could pass this off as something from Timothy Leary.

He then goes on to compare PTSD with riding horses.

TIDOS Yankee also wishes he could have this mind-bending experience.