Thursday, August 07, 2008

Meet Your Texas Republicans!

The excellent Texas state politics blog Burnt Orange Report has a great quiz for you. Meet your Texas Republicans!

It doesn't even matter that you haven't heard of any of these people. These questions give you a great idea of just how crazy the Texas Republican party is. Here's the questions:

.) Who "stage managed" an effort to kill legislation that would have seriously hampered the ability of large corporations to influence Texas elections?

(a) Rep. Betty Brown; (b) Sen. Mike Jackson; (c) Rep. Dwayne Bohac; (d) Rep. John Davis; (e) Rep. Bill Zedler

2.) Who authored legislation to legalize horse meat for human consumption?
(a) Rep. Betty Brown; (b) Sen. Mike Jackson; (c) Rep. Dwayne Bohac; (d) Rep. John Davis; (e) Rep. Bill Zedler

3.) What legislator has such a poor record that Texas Monthly had to create an entirely new designation for them in their annual "Best & Worst" Legislators list?
(a) Rep. Betty Brown; (b) Sen. Mike Jackson; (c) Rep. Dwayne Bohac; (d) Rep. John Davis; (e) Rep. Bill Zedler

4.) What legislator was part of a citizens group that projected images of scantily clad women on the walls of a Texas courtroom during a hearing before a county judge?
(a) Rep. Betty Brown; (b) Sen. Mike Jackson; (c) Rep. Dwayne Bohac; (d) Rep. John Davis; (e) Rep. Bill Zedler

5.) What legislator said that a 44 percent increase in college tuition wasn't a problem for his constituents?
(a) Rep. Betty Brown; (b) Sen. Mike Jackson; (c) Rep. Dwayne Bohac; (d) Rep. John Davis; (e) Rep. Bill Zedler