Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Differences in Campaign Ideology

Paul Begala summed up the problem with Clinton-esque philosophies of governing. Trying to salvage Hillary's disappointing evening, Begala said the night was actually a win because she won the big states. While a seemingly sizable win in California is a good thing for her, what's more impressive is Obama's ability to win in places like North Dakota, South Carolina, and Idaho. Begala thinks that winning is getting a majority plus one. He's right of course, but that's how you win an election, not how you create a Democratic movement. Obama's popularity in middle America is remarkable. He'll win all those big Democratic states with ease, plus he can be competitive in most of the small states. Hillary may be an effective president. She may be able to win. But she's not going to build any kind of long-term Democratic majority.

In other news, I just saw my first political ad here in Texas. It was for Ron Paul.