The Race War
I am glad Barack Obama is trying to call a truce with Hillary Clinton over who is better on civil rights. I don't think I've been more annoyed by an issue in a long time. Neither has come off well. Hillary especially. Her use of scumbag Black Entertainment Television head Bob Johnson was reprehensible and typical of the kind of people who have always supported the Clintons. Meanwhile, Obama needs to realize that the Republicans are going to throw shit at him the entire campaign.
This is almost an entirely media-based issue. The media can't wait to cover Democratic dissension rather than actual issues. If St. John of Arizona wins the Republican nomination, we can expect months of unyielding anti-Democratic coverage. Hillary is used to this and knows what to expect. As we can tell from the awful things she and her supporters have said to Obama, she knows how to punch back. Obama, I'm not so sure.