Sunday, February 03, 2008

Blogroll Amnesty Day

Tom Hilton notes that yesterday was Blogroll Amnesty Day.

Like Tom, I have been concerned lately over the ossification of the left blogosphere. It is almost impossible these days for an unknown blog, let's say, oh I don't know, Alterdestiny for a random example, to get big. Everyone reads the same people and there are tons of great voices out there who have tiny readerships. This sucks and runs counter what the blogosphere was supposed to be. I don't know any other way that it could have happened, but it sucks nevertheless. That said, it is nice to be slowly building a core of regular readers and I always appreciate your comments. I just want there to be more of you!

Anyway, here are a few underrated blogs worth reading:

The Detritus Review--high quality snarky music criticism

Civil War Memory--one of best history blogs on the intertubes

Anti Neo Confederate--following the disgusting ways of America's neo-Confederates

Discovering Urbanism--an interesting blogger out of Missoula that I have discovered recently. He writes on issues of urban development, especially in the West.

Incertus--this is hardly a totally unknown blog, but it doesn't get nearly the readers it should.

M-Pyre-shoutout for a good Albuquerque blog

Edge of the American West
--a growing and not unknown blog either, but one that deserves much more readership. Authored by UC-Davis historians Ari Kelman and Eric Rauchway.
The Wonderful Pig of Knowledge--one of the best blogs on something totally random. In this case, pigs and pig products. Quite entertaining.

Gusts of Popular Feeling
--a really smart blog by an English teacher living in Korea. Excellent on Asian development issues, history, cultural issues between foreigners and Koreans, etc.

Happy reading!

Additional note. Other blogs to check out include Season of the Bitch, Beautiful Horizons, Eating Asia, and Prometheus 6. The problem with doing this is that you inevitably leave someone out and offend someone. It's already happened with this post and that's just great.