Sunday, February 03, 2008

More Dowd

Can Maureen Dowd just go write for People? Her column today sets new a new low for sleazy anti-Hillary gossip and she's trying to find a way to start slamming Obama tomorrow. Is Dowd actually a Republican agent? People would be a more appropriate venue, though I hesitate to insult that magazine. Maybe she can cover politics for Teen Beat instead.

I know I should just let it go. I shouldn't even read her columns. You see, this was the great thing about TimesSelect. I didn't have to read their columnists. It was a great time in my life. Even after they took it down, I resisted for awhile. But like a recovering heroin addict hanging out in Seattle, it was only a matter time before I broke down again. Except that at least heroin might make you feel good. Dowd just makes my head explode.